IP portfolio management.
With our services, you can review and manage your intangible assets. In particular, we provide you with professional and technical advice in identifying whether your property forms part of an IP asset, even if not registered, or indicate the best strategy to increase the value of and manage the portfolio you already own.
Researches and opinions.
Research on industrial property allows us to stay up to date with the current state of art to improve it, which also avoids interference with existing patents and reduces room for legal disputes with similar trademarks and designs. GED-ip offers its clients a Freedom-to-Operate service which, in a nutshell, consists of an analysis of the results of research activity and the provision of expert opinions on the global risk assessment or on the tools necessary to achieve the desired results.
Party-Appointed Experts Reports and Impartial Technical Opinions.
Our professionals have acquired thorough experience either as party-appointed experts or court-appointed expert witness from various Courts, providing their expertise to the Courts in the difficult task of determining the validity or the presence of interference between industrial property rights.